Greetings and Welcome from the USS Essex, a Star Trek group and chapter of Starfleet International's 20th Fleet, (Region 20) which covers the UK (Wales, England, Scotland and Northern Ireland), Republic of Ireland, and surrounding islands.
The USS Essex is a constitution class Starship with its CO John Hardy residing in Essex UK. Members of the Essex enjoy watching all forms of Star Trek, from The Original Series and The Animated Series, right through to Discovery, Picard, Lower Decks and all the movies. We take part in monthly quizzes, weekly Star Trek episode discussions. as well as Region and chapter challenges and much more to boot.
If you would like any more information on how you can become one of the newest crew members aboard the USS Essex, please visit the CONTACT US page of the website for more details, thank you.
Star Trek TAS, TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT, DSC, PICARD, LD and all the movies
are the property of Paramount and CBS, no copyright infringement intended
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